Online | Self-Paced | Corporate

SSRS Training

Micorsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Training or SSRS Training enables students to implement reporting services solutions to perform data analysis in an organization. This course discusses about creating reports using SSRS, build graphs, charts and other visualizations. You’ll become comfortable in building tables, lists, matrices, and deploying to SSRS server.

120 Learners

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A complete index of
job-ready skills curated
to meet the industrial need.


  • Need For Reporting Solutions (SSRS) and Tools
  • Reporting Engine Architecture and Report Databases
  • SSRS Installation, Tools and Database Configuration Process
  • SSRS 2016: Installation and Report Databases
  • SSRS 2014: Installation and Report Databases
  • Report Server URL - Purpose, Test Connection, Usage
  • Report Manager URL - Purpose, Test Connection, Usage
  • Report Portal URL in SSRS 2016 - Usage, Web Service
  • Three-Phase Report Life Cycle in Reports (End-End)
  • Report Server Database and Report TempDB Configuration
  • Virtual Directories (VD) in Web Services - Settings, Options
  • Communication Ports and Data Encryption For Web Portal URL
  • Report Design and Work Flow Diagram - Lab Plan, Data Sources
  • Report Design with Report Designer & Report Builder Tools
  • Report Builder Versus Report Designer - Basic Differences
  • SSDT (VS): SQL Server Data Tools Installation, Verification
  • SSDT 2015 and SSDT 2013 Installation, Test Connection
  • SSRS 2016 Report Portals and Accessibility
  • Working with Visual Studio - SQL Server Data Tools
  • Report Templates and Basic Usage. Project, Solution
  • Designing Basic Reports - Understanding Entities
  • Working with Report Project Wizard - Usage, Reports
  • Defining Data Source Connections, Source Databases
  • Query Designer Options, Query Builder & Import Options
  • Table Reports and Matrix Reports with Report Wizard
  • Layout and Format Options - Drilldown Reports, Blocks
  • Stepped Reports and Multi Field Drilldown Options
  • Report Project Template - Designing Dataset, Reports
  • Report Toolbox and ReportData Options, Textbox Usage
  • Table Headers, Formatting Options, MATH Expressions
  • Alternate Row Colors, Using Report Globals, Expressions
  • Report Formatting Styles, Expressions and Reusability
  • Reporting Functions: IIF, Format, Ceiling, Round, Concat
  • Alternate Row Colors and Dynamic Formatting Options
  • Textbox Properties - Date & Time Formats, Numbers, Styles
  • Report Timeout Options and Tool Box Options, Report Data
  • Initial Catalog For Report Sources, Static/Dynamic Properties
  • Grouping Operations: Row Groups, Column Groups
  • Table Report - Row Groups, Parent-Child Groups
  • Adding Groups to Existing Rows and New Rows
  • Group Headers and Group Footers - Usage, Sub Totals
  • Group Field Visibility and Toggle Options @ Parent
  • Row Group Properties, Header/Footer Properties
  • Column Groups for Table Reports, Advanced Options
  • Repeat-On-New-Page Options and Report Properties
  • Column Groups for Matrix Reports, Data Grouping
  • Drill-down Reports using Row Groups and Visibility
  • Drill-down Reports using Column Groups, Visibility
  • Table Reports Vs Matrix Reports - Technical Differences
  • Adding Images to Reports. Tooltip and Size Options
  • Report Headers and Report Footers - Globals, Expressions
  • Merging Report Fields, Sub Totals and Grand Totals
  • Group Edits, Removing Group Totals, Adding Group Headers
  • Column Groups - Advance Mode - Fixed Attributes, Fields
  • Repeating Header on Every Page & RepeatPage Options
  • Working with Report Globals for Metadata, Report Properties
  • Report Parameters - Purpose, Benefits, and Usage
  • Creating Parameters using Dataset Query Conditions
  • Creating Parameters using Report Properties, Report Data
  • Single Value Parameters and Multi-Value Parameters
  • Dynamic Parameter Values, Dependency Options, Queries
  • Defining Datasets with Parameters, Dynamic Conditions
  • Dataset Links to Parameters, Value Options from List, Query
  • Multi-Value Parameter Options: Data Types, Null, Empty Values
  • Reports using Multiple Data Sets. Performance Issues
  • Advanced Options: Auto Refresh, Manual Refresh Options
  • Dataset Filters, Toolbox Filters - Purpose, and Usage
  • Filters versus Parameters - Differences with Performance
  • Using Filter Condition at Dataset Level, Toolbox Level
  • Data Type Conversions with Filters, Expressions & Computations
  • Deciding Parameters and Filters - When to use which, why?
  • SSRS Expressions and Global Fields For Report Parameters
  • JOIN, FIELDS, LABEL and Formatting Options with Parameters
  • Linking Report Parameters to Dataset Parameters and Filters
  • Chart Reports - Design Options, Properties, and Usage
  • Series Values Selection - with/without Category Groups
  • Report Categories with Series Groups - Differences, Usage
  • Data Visualization Types: Trend & Discrete Chart Reports
  • Clustered / NonClustered Legend Attributes. Position Options
  • Series Labels: Properties, Number Formatting Options, Visibility
  • Series Actions: Series Properties, Multi-Valued Parameters
  • Report Actions: URL / Reports, Setting for Report Filters
  • Axis Values - Possible Issues with Multiple Axis Items, Solutions
  • Dashboard Creations, Usage. Multiple Chart Areas, Legends
  • Dashboard Exports with Filters (Static, Parameterized)
  • Chart Series, Report Markers Chart Areas & Limitations
  • 3-Dimensional Report Options - Properties, Visibility Options
  • Range & Pie Charts, Line Reports, Data Bars, Area Charts
  • Report Actions with Parameter Values - Report Filter Joins
  • Exploring Toolbox Filters with Type Conversions & Expressions
  • Using Shared DataSources and Shared DataSets - Advantages
  • Data Bar Reports and Sparkline Reports - Stacked Reports - Usage
  • Multi-series Charts, Dynamic Chart Size, Axis Display Control
  • Gauge Report Types - Radial and Linear Gauges
  • Adding Data to Gauge Report - Default Indicators
  • Gauge Data Versus Chart Data - Pointer Options
  • Scale Properties: Maximum, Minimum Dynamic Ranges
  • Browser Compatibility and Offline Report Access
  • Gauge, Gauge Panel, and Sub Reports
  • Master Reports and Detailed Reports - Sub Reports
  • Pointers - Properties, Scale Limits, Format Options
  • Ranges & Labels, Report Items, Properties, Needle
  • Adding Multiple Gauges - Dashboards, Dynamic Size
  • #VALX, #VALY, #PERCENT, #SERIES Label Properties
  • 3D PieCharts, Funnel, and TreeMap Reports.
  • 3D Funnel and Sunburst Reports. Shape Charts
  • Doughnut, Pyramid and 3D Pyramid Reports
  • Parameterized Gauge Reports - Dataset Level Filters
  • Indicator Reports: Value and State Expressions
  • SSRS Expressions and Report Code - Custom Functions
  • Report Builder Tool - 2016, 2014, 2008 R2 Installation
  • Installation Verification Options, msi File Configuration
  • DataSource and DataSet Creation with Report Builder
  • Local Report-Specific Entities and RDL File Creations
  • Entity Browsing Options and Query Design Options
  • Dataset Design with Parameters and Filters. Usage Options
  • Query Designer Options with Report Builder, Table Selection
  • Column Aggregates and Auto Group BY. Query Edit Options
  • Ad-hoc Reports with Drill-down & Column Groups
  • Chart Report using Report Builder - Line Reports & Options
  • Dataset Design with Parameters and Filters. Usage Options
  • Line Reports and XValue Options using Report Builder Tool
  • Trend Analysis and Continuous Data Reports - OLTP / DWH
  • Map Reports - Map Layers, Map Report Items, and Options
  • Map Gallery, ESRI Share Files, and SQL Server Spatial data
  • Defining Geo-Spatial Data for Business Analysis Dashboards
  • Working with Polygon, Tile, Line and Point Map Layers
  • Map Visualization Options and Bubble Map Reports Usage
  • Data Fields, Display Labels and Visualization Indicators
  • Report Deployment Options - Report Builds, Config Files
  • Data Source, Data Set Folders, Report Server URL Targets
  • Report Deployment - UI & Command Line. RSKey Config
  • Report Server URL and Report Manager (Web Portal) URL
  • Report Home, Site Settings and Report Settings
  • Data Sources: Properties, Security Options, Access Options
  • DataSets: Properties, Security Options, Dependent Items
  • Reports: Properties, Security Options, Edits, Downloads
  • Security Roles: Content Manager, Browser, Report Builder
  • MyReports Role, Report Publisher Role. Report User/Groups
  • Report Linking and Default/Hidden Parameter Options
  • Report Tuning: Caching Options, Cache Refresh - Cautions
  • Report Tuning: Snapshot Options and Snapshot Schedules
  • Report Tuning: Off-the-Shelf Reports and Linked Reports
  • Local and Global Schedules, History Management, Jobs
  • Report Builder Connections and Reusability Options
  • Report Parts and RS Storage Options. Paginated Reports
  • Report Delivery & Email / File Share Subscriptions
  • Accessing and Controlling Reports, Email Subscriptions
  • Scale-Out Deployments and Remote Report Databases
  • Remote Report Database Connections, Recovery Options
  • Scale-Out Joins and Waits. Report Configuration Keys
  • Multi-Report Server Configurations, Execution Accounts
  • Report Designer Versus Report Builder - Advantages
  • Cube Reports with SSRS - MDX Queries. Advantages
  • Cube Reports with MDX Parameters & Filters. Performance
  • Cube Reports with MDX Expressions, YTD, QTD Calculations
  • Reports with SSAS KPIs and Cube Aggregations - MOLAP
  • Cube Reports with Tabular Data Sources. Hierarchy Levels
  • Sub Reports, Dashboards, Action Reports with Report Builder
  • Drill-Up and Drill-Down Reports, Drill-Through Reports
  • Report Actions @ SSAS 2016 OLAP Databases. Limitations
  • Power BI Reports with SSRS - Desktop / Mobile Editions
  • Power BI PBX Reports with RDL Sources, Vice Versa
  • Power BI Reports with SSRS and SSAS Connections, Options
  • Power View and Power Pivot Extensions, Usage Examples
  • New SSRS Tuning Features in 2016, Report Migrations

We have made a tailored curriculum covering the latest industry-ready concepts to serve every individual’s learning desires.

Project  Details

We bring you the best learning experience by delivering all our training sessions practical. Following are the few use cases we shall discuss during the training.

SSRS Training  Objectives

By the end of SSRS training, you will be able to:

  • Use SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools) in detail for development of SSRS Project.
  • Gain an understanding of how to develop, format, and manage reports
  • Understand the Complete SSRS lifecycle
  • Create reports using Wizard, Report Designer, and Report Builder
  • Understand and use different report items like Table, Matrix, list, Image, Textbox, Line etc.
  • Enhance the report with formatting, grouping and summarizing the data
  • Understand and use data visualization items like Chart, Gauge, Sparkline, DataBar, etc.
  • Use expression, Collections, Global Collection
  • Use single-valued, multi-valued, cascading parameters
  • Use subreport and Drill down the report, Drill through the report
  • Use interactive sorting, document map, Custom function.
  • Deploy, publish the reports and configure report server and report manager Url and Report server database
  • Work with report Manager for managing folders, Configuring Data Source, Data Set properties, and Security
  • Learn to cache, report snapshot, report history, site setting, subscription, report part.
  • There are numerous job openings for SSRS professionals with high salary packages.
  • Top multinational companies are hiring certified SSRS professionals worldwide
  • The average salary of a certified SSRS professional is around $103.875 USD per annum.
  • Business intelligence professionals
  • Analytics professionals 
  • Reporting professionals
  • Aspirants who are willing to build their career in the administrative field.

The following are the prerequisites for learning SSRS course:

  • Basics of RDBMS concepts with skills to write queries
  • Working experience on any RDBMS would be an added advantage.

The following job roles will get benefited by taking up this course:

  • Analytics professionals 
  • Reporting professionals

The tutor will take care of handling the projects. We will provide two real-time projects with a highly-skilled guide who can assist you throughout the project.

contact us
+1 930 200 4823
( Toll Free )

Training  Options

Different individuals. Different upgrade goals. Different modes of learning.

We got solutions for everyone looking for an AWS Architect course. Opt in for your convenient upgrade option, and we will guide you through.

One-on-one Session

Live Online.

10 Hours
Additional tips from the trainer

30 July 2024, 07:00 AM

03 August 2024, 08:00 AM



10 Hours
Weekdays & Working Hours
Accessible through LMS
At your convenience

SSRS Training Upcoming Batches

30 July 2024 to 30 August 2024
07:00 AM
03 August 2024 to 03 September 2024
08:00 AM
06 August 2024 to 06 September 2024
07:00 AM
10 August 2024 to 10 September 2024
07:30 AM
calendar tekslate

Schedules Doesn't Suit You ?

Our Team can set up a batch at your convinient time.

Corporates  Training

Experience and witness the express transformation of your workforce from the world-class tech upgrade platform.

Customized training options

Tailored curriculum to fit your project needs.

Practical exposure is assured.

We have got everything covered for any IT upgrade for your organization. We are one click away.

Success Stories from Future Digital Leaders

The Trainer was a master of all the concepts in SSRS training. Great to learn at Tekslate!!


The trainer has explained every detail, teaching skills and methods of explaining on SSRS are awesome


I have recently enrolled for SSRS training and am really happy with the training so far. A very good place to learn new technologies


SSRS Training  FAQ'S

Have questions? We’ve got the answers. Get the details on how you can grow in this course.

We have a strong team of professions who are experts in their fields. Our trainers are highly supportive and render a friendly working environment to the students positively stimulating their growth. 

We will share you the missed session from our recordings. We at Tekslate maintains a recorded copy of each live course you undergo.

Our Trainers will provide the student with the Server Access ensuring practical real-time experience and training with all the utilities required for the in-depth understanding of the course.

Join a Free SSRS Training  Demo Session

See if this course is a fit for you by joining us for an online info session. You’ll meet our team, get an overview of the curriculum and course objectives, and learn about the benefits of being a student at Tekslate

By providing us with your details, We wont spam your inbox.

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