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Oracle SOA Admin Training

Tekslate provides the best Oracle SOA Admin Training by a certified instructor who is an expert in designing, deploying, and administering SOA composite applications in Oracle SOA Suite 11g run-time environment. Our training will make you proficient in Configuring the UDDI, Administering BPEL, Oracle Web Service, Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite, etc., through practical executions. You will gain hands-on experience by working on two real-time projects during training.

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A complete index of
job-ready skills curated
to meet the industrial need.

Introduction To SOA & Oracle SOA Suite 11g

Objectives, Implementing an SOA Strategy

Where Do We Start? and Getting Started

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Summarizing SOA, Why Is an SOA Approach Required?

Integrating Distributed Components and SOA and Services

Applications Comprised of Services, Web Services Overview and WSDL Document

Composite Applications and SOA Summarizing Composite Applications

Service Component Architecture (SCA) and Elements of a Service Component Architecture (SCA)

Assembly Model as a Blueprint & Introducing Service Component Architecture (SCA) in Oracle SOA Suite11g

Oracle SOA Suite11g Components and Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle SOA Suite

Oracle SOA Suite11g Architecture, Oracle SOA Suite11g Components

Adapter Services and Routing and Filtering with Mediator Components

Orchestrating Services with BPEL Components and Implementing Business Rules Components

Implementing Workflow with Human Task Components and Monitoring Services with Oracle BAM

Relationship of SOA Suite, BPM Suite, WebLogic Server, WebLogic Server Domain and Oracle SOA Suite11g Platform

Oracle SOA Suite Management Tools and Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

Objectives, Installing SOA and BPM and Before Installation

SOA Deployment Topology, Supported Software Platforms and System Requirements

Preparing the Installation, Checking and Configuring the Database & Checking WebLogic Server

Repository Creation Utility (RCU) Overview, RCU Requirements and Creating Schemas with RCU

Specifying a Schema Prefix and Selecting Components and Specifying the Passwords For Schema Owners

Mapping Tablespaces, Installing Oracle SOA Suite 11g…. (PS1) and Specifying Installation Location

Installing Oracle SOA Suite 11g…. (PS2), Post installation Directory Structure and Installation Log Files

Creating a Domain, Selecting Domain Source, Configuring JDBC Component Schema and Customizing Advanced Configuration

Configuring the Managed Servers and Creating Machines

Assigning Servers to Machines and Post configuration Directory Structure

Starting Servers, Setting Environment Variables, Configuration Log Files and Extending a Domain

Managing with Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control

Getting Started With Oracle Fusion Middleware Control Console

Examining the SOA Infrastructure Home Page and Examining the SOA Infrastructure Menu

Accessing WebLogic Server Administration Console and Overview of WebLogic Server Administration Console

Accessing Other Administrator Tools: System MBean Browser,

Accessing Other Administrator Tools: WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST), Basics of WLST, Using SOA Suite Custom WLST

Roles and Tasks in Composite Applications Management

Composite Applications SCA Components in Oracle SOA Suite 11g

Packaging Composite Application and Exploring the SOA Archive and SOA Bundle

Deploying a Composite Application and Partitioning of the SOA Infrastructure

Creating a Partition, Deploying with Oracle Enterprise Manager

Deploying an SOA Archive: Select Archive

Deploying an SOA Archive: Select Target and Understanding Composite Application Instances

Testing a Composite Application and Initiating a Test in Enterprise Manager

Preparing the Request Data for a Test and Tracking Message Flow, Working with the Flow Trace

Working with a Component Audit Trail Page and Accessing Logs and Other Settings

SOA Composite Applications Versioning and Deployment Versus Redeployment

Redeploying a Composite Application with Enterprise Manager and Undeploying with Enterprise Manager

Managing Composite Application State, Deploying SOA Applications with WLST Utility

Managing SOA Applications with WLST Utility, Managing SOA Applications with Ant Scripts

Customizing SOA Composite Applications for the Target Environment and Overview of Configuration Plans

Creating a Configuration Plan with WLST

Modifying a Configuration Plan


SOA Composite Application Runtime

Introducing SOA Infrastructure

SOA Infrastructure Architecture

SOA Infrastructure Life Cycle

Understanding Service Engines

Understanding the Service Infrastructure

Understanding Binding Components

Reviewing the SOA Infrastructure Home Page

Configuring SOA Infrastructure Properties

Accessing the SOA Infrastructure Properties Page

Configuring the Common SOA Infrastructure Properties and Audit Level

Composite Instance State and Configuring the UDDI Registry Properties

Configuring Server URLs

Starting and Stopping the SOA Infrastructure and Configuring Log Files

Creating and Editing Log File Configurations & Monitoring the SOA Infrastructure

Monitoring SOA Infrastructure Recent Instances and Faults

Monitoring Processing Requests

Monitoring Service and Reference Binding Components

Monitoring Reference Binding Components


Understanding Binding Components

Supported Binding Components, Accessing Service and Reference Binding Component Page

Configuring Service Binding Component Properties

Configuring Reference Binding Component Properties

Monitoring Binding Component Instances and Faults

Overview of Adapter Services and Oracle Technology Adapters

Packaged Application and Legacy Adapters and Database Adapter

Database Adapter Connection & Configuring the Database Adapter Runtime Connections: JDBC Resource

Configuring the Database Adapter Runtime Connections: Connection, Factory

Redeploying the Runtime DbAdapter & Employing a JMS Adapter, JMS Adapter Runtime Connection

Configuring a JMS Destination, Configuring a JMS Connection Factory

Creating the JMS Adapter Connection Pool

Associate the JMS Connection Pool to a Connection Factory

JCA Adapter Properties, File Adapter and Configuring Inbound File Adapter Properties

Configuring Outbound File Adapter Properties

Configuring Database Adapter Properties and Configuring Adapter Properties to Handle Retryable Errors

Handling Rejected Messages and Deleting Rejected Messages for an Inbound Adapter

Setting the Log Level of Oracle JCA Adapters


Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)

BPEL Processes & BPEL Process Components and Service Engine

Parts of a BPEL Process and BPEL Partner and BPEL Variables

Communicating Data with a BPEL Process

Configuring BPEL Process Service Engines and Audit Level Settings Inheritance Hierarchy

Setting Audit Level at the SOA Composite Application Level

Setting Audit Level at the BPEL Process Service Component Level & Synchronous Services

Asynchronous Services and Dispatcher Threads and A Sample BPEL Process

Viewing the Composite Application Home Page

Viewing the Flow Trace of Composite Application Instance

Viewing the Audit Trail of BPEL Process Service Component Instance

Viewing the Process Flow of a BPEL Process Service Component

Monitoring BPEL Process Service Component Instances and Faults, What Are Sensors?

Composite Sensors, A Sample BPEL Process with Sensors

Monitoring Sensor Data and Values in BPEL Process Service Components

Monitoring BPEL Process Service Engines

Monitoring BPEL Process Service Engine Instances and Fault

Monitoring BPEL Process Service Engine Request and Thread Statistics

Recovering Faults with Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control

A Sample BPEL Process with a Recoverable Fault

Recovering from BPEL Process Service Component Faults

Recovering a Fault Condition

Introducing Mediator Components

Features of Mediator Components, Routing Rules, Content-Based and Header-Based Routing

Synchronous and Asynchronous Interactions, Transformations, Validations, Error Management

Event Handling, Mediating Services and Events, Mediator Service Engine

Configuring Oracle Mediator Service Engines

Parallel Infrastructure of Mediator Service Engine, Configuring Parameters for Parallel Infrastructure

The Parameters for Heartbeat Framework of Mediator Service Engine

A Sample Mediator Composite Application, Viewing the Composite Application Home Page

Viewing Flow Trace of Composite Instance, Monitoring Mediator Component Instance Statistics

Monitoring Mediator Component Routing Statistics, Recovering from Mediator Service Component Faults

Recovering a Fault Condition

Monitoring Mediator Service Engine

Monitoring Request Breakdown Statistics, Summary

Engines, Objectives

Introducing Business Rules and Declarative Rule Concepts

Basic Oracle Business Rule Concepts and Oracle Business Rule Components

Overview of the Business Rules Component and Decision Service Architecture

Working with Decision Service and A Sample Composite Application with Business Rules

Examining the Input Data and Output Results

Viewing the Flow Trace of Composite Application Instance and Decision Tracing

Decision Trace Levels and Understanding the Trace Report

Tracing Rule Execution at Development and Production Levels

Monitoring Business Rules Engine Instances

Monitoring Business Rules Service Engine Statistics

Viewing Service Component Logs

Monitoring Decision Service Component Logs


Objectives Notification Service and Oracle User Messaging Service (UMS)

Oracle User Messaging Service (UMS)

Oracle UMS Components and Architecture

Accessing UMS Configuration Page and Accessing Email Driver Properties

Configuring Common and Custom Properties and A Sample Custom Configuration

Understanding the Identity Service, Configuring the Embedded LDAP Server

Connecting to the Embedded LDAP Server

Importing Users and Groups through LDAP Browser and LDIF

Configuring Human Workflow Notification Service

Configuring the User Messaging Email Driver and Testing Email Notifications

Configuring User Messaging Preferences and Deploying Drivers

Deploying Drivers Using WLST Commands

Deploying Drivers Using WebLogic Server Administration Console

Deploying Drivers Using Oracle Enterprise Manager

Preparing the Deployment Plan

Troubleshooting Oracle User Messaging Service

Troubleshooting: Notifications Are Not Being Sent

Troubleshooting: SOA Human Workflow Notifications Problems

Summary and Practice

Overview: Configuring the User Messaging Services

Objectives Human Tasks

Human Workflow Concepts and Components of Human Workflow

Human Tasks in a Composite Application

A Sample Application with Human Tasks Component

Worklist Application and Task Display Forms, Deploying Task Display Forms

Task Assignment & Configuring Human Workflow Task Service Properties

Configuring Human Workflow Task Service Advanced Properties

Understanding the Identity Service and Configuring the Identity Service

Adding an Authentication Provider and Creating a New Authentication Provider

Configuring Authentication Provider Specific Settings

Creating Users and Groups in the Authentication Provider

Notification Service and Viewing Action Email Notification

Accessing the Worklist Application

Viewing and Acting on Task in Oracle BPM Worklist

Viewing Result Email Notification

Viewing the Flow Trace of Composite Application Instance

Viewing the Audit Trail of BPEL Process Service Component Instance

Viewing the Audit Trail of Human Task Component Instance

Monitoring Human Workflow Service Engine

Monitoring Human Workflow Engine Request and Operation Statistics

Managing Notifications

Managing the URI of the Human Task Service Component Task Details

Overview of Business Activity Monitoring

Introduction to Monitoring with Oracle BAM

BAM Components and Real-Time Data Streaming, Oracle BAM Server

Oracle BAM Web Applications, BAM Active Viewer, BAM Administrator

ICommand Utility and Importing and Exporting with ICommand

Oracle BAM Administration and Configuring Oracle BAM Web Application Properties

Configuring Oracle BAM Server Basic Properties

Configuring Oracle BAM Adapter and Configuring the RunTime Oracle Bam Adapter

Configuring Oracle BAM Adapter Properties

Oracle BAM Configuration Property Files and Managing Oracle BAM Users

Understanding Oracle BAM Application Roles and Assigning Users or Groups to Application Roles

Verifying Granted Permissions and Populating Users in Oracle BAM Administrator

Verifying the Populated Users

Managing Oracle BAM Object Ownership

Configuring Oracle BAM Distribution List

A Sample Application Sending Information to BAM

Observing the BAM Report Dashboard

Monitoring Oracle BAM Components and Concepts of Data Objects and Viewsets

Monitoring Oracle BAM Active Data Cache

Monitoring the Event Engine Component and Monitoring the Report Cache Component

Monitoring Oracle BAM Report Server and Monitoring Oracle BAM Managed Server Instance

Viewing Oracle BAM Logs


Introduction to Business Events

Event Delivery Network (EDN) Concepts

Event Delivery Network and Business Events

Sample Applications: Publishing and Subscribing Business Events

Managing EDN in Enterprise Manager

Viewing Events in Enterprise Manager

Testing Events with Enterprise Manager

Viewing Event Subscriptions

Subscribing a Database Agent to Events

Viewing Event Faults


Introduction to Web Services Security, Transport Level Security

Message Level Security, WSSecurity Overview, WSSecurity Tokens

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), WSSecurity and SAML

Oracle Web Services, Oracle Web Service Manager

Oracle Web Services Manager Policy Framework

Components of Oracle Web Services Manager Architecture

Introduction to Web Services Policies, Policy Assertion

Oracle Web Services Manager Policy Assertions, Supported Policies

Policy Interceptor Pipeline, Oracle WSM Predefined Policies and Assertion Templates

Viewing Available Web Services Policies

OWSM WS-Security Policies Versus WLS WS-Security Policies

Creating Web Services Policies, Creating Policies by Using Assertion Template

Configuring Assertions, Restrictions of Security Policies

Editing Policies, Securing SOA and Identity Propagation

Attaching Policies in JDeveloper (Development Time)

Viewing Attached Policies in EM Console

Attaching/Detaching Policies by Using EM Console (Deployment Time)

Monitoring the Performance of SOA Composite


Identifying Key Performance Tuning Areas

Monitoring Oracle SOA Environment, Monitoring Using EM Control Console

Monitoring Server Instance Performance Summary

Monitoring Server Instance JVM Performance, Monitoring SOA Infra Performance

Monitoring SOA Composite Application Performance, Tuning JVMs, Tuning SOA Infrastructure

Optimizing the Loading of Pages with Instance and Fault Metrics

Tuning Service Engines by Configuring Properties

Tuning Oracle JCA Adapters

Tuning File/FTP Adapters: Inbound Throttling Properties

Tuning File/FTP Adapters: Outbound Throttling Properties

Tuning File/FTP Adapters: Outbound Performance Properties

Tuning Database Adapters, Tuning Database

Extending Tablespaces to Avoid Problems at Run Time, Configuring Database Connections

Purging Instance Data with a PL/SQL Scripts, Deleting a Single Instance

Deleting Multiple Instances with Filters, Deleting All Instances

Rejected Messages, and Orphan Instances

Deleting Rejected Messages and Orphans

Setting Logging Levels


Diagnosing Oracle Fusion Middleware Problems

Understanding Log Messages

Managing Log Files, Searching Log Files in EM

Viewing Log Files in EM, Configuring Log Settings

Setting Log Levels, Editing Log Configuration

Common Problems and Solutions

Troubleshooting SOA or BAM Server Startup Failures

Resolving Message Failure Caused By Too Many Open Files

Resolving Connection Timeouts, Resolving Common Application Related Problems


Practice Overview: Troubleshooting and Managing Fault Conditions

SOA Suite, Objectives

Introduction to High Availability

Implementing High Availability Solutions

Oracle High Availability Solutions, Oracle SOA Suite High Availability Architecture

Configuring a Cluster in a Domain, Overview of Configuring SOA for High Availability

Configuring Multi Data Sources for Metadata Services (MDS) Repositories

Setting the Front End HTTP Host and Port

Simple Clustering Example: Level Active-Active

Clustering Example with Node Manager: Active Active Level

Active-Active with Node Manager and Whole Server Migration, Whole Server Migration

Automatic Whole Server Migration Process

SOA Infrastructure High Availability Configuration

ClusterWide SOA Deployment, SOA Infrastructure Failover

BPEL Process HA Considerations, BPEL Process Recovery

Mediator HA Considerations, Mediator Process Recovery

Human Workflow Engine HA Considerations

User Messaging Service (UMS) HA Architecture and Failover Considerations

JCA Adapters Characteristics, File and FTP Adapters HA Considerations

Oracle BAM HA Considerations

A Sample BAM High Availability Architecture



Oracle Fusion Middleware Directory Structure

About Backup and Recovery

Types of Backups, Recommended Backup Strategy

Limitations and Restrictions for Backing Up Data

Backup Tools, Performing a Full Offline Backup

Performing an Online Backup of RunTime Artifacts

Backing Up a Domain Configuration

Documenting Oracle Fusion Middleware Installations

Recovery After Disaster, Recommended Recovery Strategy

Directories to Restore, Recovering a Middleware Home

Recovering the Administration Server Configuration

Recovering a Managed Server

Recovering Oracle SOA Suite

We have made a tailored curriculum covering the latest industry-ready concepts to serve every individual’s learning desires.

Project  Details

We bring you the best learning experience by delivering all our training sessions practical. Following are the few use cases we shall discuss during the training.

Oracle SOA Admin Training  Objectives

After the successful completion of Oracle SOA Admin training at Tekslate, the participant will be able to

  • Install and configure Oracle SOA Suite 11g.

  • Get an overview of  Oracle SOA Suite 11g Architecture.

  • Gain knowledge of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) concepts.

  • Deploy SOA Composite Applications.

  • Configure and manage the Oracle SOA Suite 11g and its components.

  • Perform backup and recovery of Oracle SOA Suite Instances.

  • Monitor, tune, and troubleshoot the Oracle SOA Suite 11g components.

  • Due to the high market demand for Oracle SOA Admin, there are numerous job opportunities available around the world.

  • Top multinational companies are hiring Certified Oracle SOA Administrators.

  • Certified Oracle SOA Administrators are earning high salaries compared to professionals working on other technologies.

  • On average, a Certified Oracle SOA Administrator is earning 101,397 USD per annum.

The following job roles will get benefited from learning this course:

  • Administrator

  • Network Administrator

  • System Integrator

  • Systems Administrator

  • Aspirants aiming for a career in the prospective field.

The prerequisites for learning Oracle SOA Admin course are listed below:

  • The participant should have basic knowledge of SQL queries.

  • The participant should be familiar with basic Web Service concepts, command line scripts, and interfaces.

We will provide two real-time projects under the guidance of a professional trainer, who will explain you on how to acquire in-depth knowledge on all the concepts involved in these projects.

contact us
+1 930 200 4823
( Toll Free )

Training  Options

Different individuals. Different upgrade goals. Different modes of learning.

We got solutions for everyone looking for an AWS Architect course. Opt in for your convenient upgrade option, and we will guide you through.

One-on-one Session

Live Online.

25 Hours
Additional tips from the trainer

30 July 2024, 07:00 AM

03 August 2024, 08:00 AM



25 Hours
Weekdays & Working Hours
Accessible through LMS
At your convenience

Oracle SOA Admin Training Upcoming Batches

30 July 2024 to 30 August 2024
07:00 AM
03 August 2024 to 03 September 2024
08:00 AM
06 August 2024 to 06 September 2024
07:00 AM
10 August 2024 to 10 September 2024
07:30 AM
calendar tekslate

Schedules Doesn't Suit You ?

Our Team can set up a batch at your convinient time.

Corporates  Training

Experience and witness the express transformation of your workforce from the world-class tech upgrade platform.

Customized training options

Tailored curriculum to fit your project needs.

Practical exposure is assured.

We have got everything covered for any IT upgrade for your organization. We are one click away.

Success Stories from Future Digital Leaders

I strongly recommend Tekslate for the people who want to gain knowledge on concepts of Oracle SOA Admin. It provides the best trainers in the market at reasonable prices.


One of my colleagues completed Oracle SOA Admin training at Tekslate and successfully cleared the Certification Exam.


It\'s a wonderful learning experience at Tekslate. The way they assess the students is systematic, well planned, and well scheduled. Trainer is highly experienced and clarifies doubts ontime during sessions.


Oracle SOA Admin Training  FAQ'S

Have questions? We’ve got the answers. Get the details on how you can grow in this course.

We have a strong team of professions who are experts in their fields. Our trainers are highly supportive and render a friendly working environment to the students positively stimulating their growth. 

We will share you the missed session from our recordings. We at Tekslate maintains a recorded copy of each live course you undergo.

Our Trainers will provide the student with the Server Access ensuring practical real-time experience and training with all the utilities required for the in-depth understanding of the course.

Join a Free Oracle SOA Admin Training  Demo Session

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