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Python Training

TekSlate’s Python training allows you to learn Python programming and develop programs to perform different logical and mathematical operations. It also teaches you how to use Python concepts and libraries in different fields like Cloud computing, data science, data analytics, etc. Along with the interactive training sessions, we also offer projects, industry scenarios to impart a practical understanding of Packages, Modules, Tuples, Sets, Dictionary, Exception Handling, Regular Expressions, Classes, Multi-threading, and Web Scraping. Trainees will also master Django, Matplotlib, NumPy, and Pandas. Join our Python online training to be the best in the market.

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A complete index of
job-ready skills curated
to meet the industrial need.

Introduction to Script

  • What is Script, program?

  • Types of Scripts

  • Difference between Script and Programming Languages

  • Features and Limitation of Scripting

  • Types of Programming Language Paradigms


  • What is Python?

  • Why Python?

  • Who Uses Python?

  • Characteristics of Python

  • History of Python

  • What is PSF?

  • Python Versions

  • How to Download and Install Python

  • Install Python with Diff IDEs

  • Features and Limitations of Python

  • Python Applications

  • Creating Your First Python Program

  • Printing to the Screen

  • Reading Keyboard Input

  • Using Command Prompt and GUI or IDE

  • Python Distributions

  • Execute the Script

  • Interactive and Script Mode

  • Python File Extensions


  • Clear screen inside python

  • Learn Python Main Function

  • Python Comments

  • Quit the Python Shell

  • Shell as a Simple Calculator

  • Order of operations

  • Multiline Statements

  • Quotations in Python

  • Python Path Testing

  • Joining two lines

  • Python Implementation Alternatives

  • Sub Packages in Python

  • Uses of Python in Data Science, IoT

  • Working with Python in Unix/Linux/Windows/Mac/Android..!!


  • PyCharm IDE

  • How to Work on PyCharm

  • PyCharm Components

  • Debugging process in PyCharm

  • PYTHON Install Anaconda

  • What is Anaconda?

  • Coding Environments

  • Spyder Components

  • General Spyder Features

  • Spyder Shortcut Keys

  • Jupyter Notebook

  • What is Conda? and Conda List?

  • Jupyter and Kernels

  • What is PIP?


  • What is a Variable?

  • Variables and Constants in Python

  • Variable, Variable names and Value

  • Mnemonic Variable Names

  • Values and Types

  • What Does “Type” Mean?

  • Multiple Assignment

  • Python different numerical types

  • Standard Data Types

  • Operators and Operands

  • Order of Operations

  • Swap variables

  • Python Mathematics

  • Type Conversion

  • Mutable Versus Immutable Objects


  • What is string?

  • String operations and indices

  • Basic String Operations

  • String Functions, Methods

  • Delete a string

  • String Multiplication and concatenation

  • Python Keywords, Identifiers and Literals

  • String Formatting Operator

  • Structuring with an indentation in Python

  • Built-in String Methods

  • Define Data Structure?

  • Data Structures in Python


  • Arithmetic, Relational Operators and Comparison Operators

  • Python Assignment Operators

  • Shorthand Assignment Operators

  • Logical Operators or Bitwise Operators

  • Membership Operators

  • Identity Operators

  • Operator precedence

  • Evaluating Expressions

  • How to use “if condition” in conditional structures

  • if statement (One-Way Decisions)

  • if .. else statement (Two-way Decisions)

  • How to use “else condition”

  • if .. elif .. else statement (Multi-way)

  • When “else condition” does not work

  • How to use “elif” condition

  • How to execute conditional statement with minimal code

  • Nested IF Statement

  • How to use “While Loop” and  “For Loop”

  • How to use For Loop for set of other things besides numbers

  • Break statements, Continue statement, Enumerate function for For Loop

  • Practical Example

  • How to use for loop to repeat the same statement over and again

  • Break, continue statements


  • Accessing Values in Strings

  • Various String Operators

  • Some more examples

  • Python String replace() Method

  • Changing upper and lower case strings

  • Using “join” function for the string

  • Reversing String

  • Split Strings


  • Strings

  • Unicode Strings

  • Lists

  • Tuples

  • buffers

  • xrange


  • Lists are mutable

  • Getting to Lists

  • List indices

  • Traversing a list

  • List operations, slices and methods

  • Map, filter and reduce

  • Deleting elements

  • Lists and strings


  • Advantages of Tuple over List

  • Packing and Unpacking

  • Comparing tuples

  • Creating nested tuple

  • Using tuples as keys in dictionaries

  • Deleting Tuples

  • Slicing of Tuple

  • Tuple Membership Test

  • Built-in functions with Tuple

  • Dotted Charts


  • How to create a set?

  • Iteration Over Sets

  • Python Set Methods

  • Python Set Operations

  • Union of sets

  • Built-in Functions with Set

  • Python Frozenset


  • How to create a dictionary?


  • Python Dictionary Methods

  • Copying dictionary

  • Updating Dictionary

  • Delete Keys from the dictionary

  • Dictionary items() Method

  • Sorting the Dictionary

  • Python Dictionary in-built Functions

  • Dictionary len() Method

  • Variable Types

  • Python List cmp() Method

  • Dictionary Str(dict)


  • What is a function?

  • How to define and call a function in Python

  • Types of Functions

  • Significance of Indentation (Space) in Python

  • How Function Return Value?

  • Types of Arguments in Functions

  • Default Arguments and Non-Default Arguments

  • Keyword Argument and Non-keyword Arguments

  • Arbitrary Arguments

  • Rules to define a function in Python

  • Various Forms of Function Arguments

  • Scope and Lifetime of variables

  • Nested Functions

  • Call By Value, Call by Reference

  • Anonymous Functions/Lambda functions

  • Passing functions to function

  • map(), filter(), reduce() functions

  • What is a Docstring?


  • What is a Module?

  • Types of Modules

  • The import Statement

  • The from…import Statement

  • ..import * Statement

  • Underscores in Python

  • The dir( ) Function

  • Creating User defined Modules

  • Command line Arguments

  • Python Module Search Path


  • What is a Package?

  • Introduction to Packages?

  • py file

  • Importing module from a package

  • Creating a Package

  • Creating Sub Package

  • Importing from Sub-Packages

  • Popular Python Packages

  • How to Use Date & DateTime Class
  • How to Format Time Output
  • How to use Timedelta Objects
  • Calendar in Python
  • DateTime classes in Python
  • How to Format Time Output?
  • The Time Module
  • Python Calendar Module
  • Python Text Calendar, HTML Calendar Class
  • Unix Date and Time Commands

  • What is a data, Information File?

  • File Objects

  • File Different Modes and Object Attributes

  • How to create a Text File and Append Data to a File and Read a File

  • Closing a file

  • Read, read line ,read lines, write, write lines…!!

  • Renaming and Deleting Files

  • Directories in Python

  • Working with CSV files and  CSV Module

  • Handling IO Exceptions

  • Shell Script Commands

  • Various OS operations in Python

  • Python File System Shell Methods


  • Python Errors

  • Common RunTime Errors in PYTHON

  • Abnormal termination

  • Chain of importance Of Exception

  • Exception Handling

  • Try … Except

  • Try .. Except .. else

  • Try … finally

  • Argument of an Exception

  • Python Custom Exceptions

  • Ignore Errors

  • Assertions

  • UsingAssertionsEffectively

  • Python Iterators, 
  • Generators 
  • Closures 
  • Decorators  
  • Python @property


  • Introduction to OOPs Programming

  • Object-Oriented Programming System

  • OOPS Principles

  • Define Classes

  • Creating Objects

  • Class variables and Instance Variables Constructors

  • Basic concept of Object and Classes

  • Access Modifiers

  • How to define Python classes

  • Python Namespace

  • Self-variable in python

  • Garbage Collection

  • What is Inheritance? Types of Inheritance?

  • How Inheritance works?

  • Python Multiple Inheritance

  • Overloading and Overriding

  • Polymorphism

  • Abstraction

  • Encapsulation

  • Built-In Class Attributes


  • What is Regular Expression?

  • Regular Expression Syntax

  • Understanding Regular Expressions

  • Regular Expression Patterns

  • Literal characters

  • Repetition Cases

  • Example of w+ and ^ Expression

  • Example of \\s expression in re.split function

  • Using regular expression methods

  • Using re.match()

  • Finding Pattern in Text (

  • Using re.findall for text

  • Python Flags

  • Methods of Regular Expressions


  • What is XML?

  • Difference between XML and HTML  and XML, JSON, Gson

  • How to Parse XML and Create XML Node

  • Python vs JAVA

  • XML and HTML


  • What is Database? Types of Databases?

  • What is DBMS?, RDBMS?

  • What is Big Data? Types of data?

  • Oracle

  • MySQL

  • SQL server

  • DB2

  • Postgresql

  • Executing the Queries

  • Bind Variables

  • Installing of Oracle Python Modules

  • Executing DML Operations..!!

  • What is Multithreading

  • Threading Module

  • Defining a Thread

  • Thread Synchronization

  • The components of a web page

  • BeautifulSoup

  • Urllib2

  • HTML,CSS,JS,jQuery

  • Data frames

  • PIP

  • Installing External Modules Using PIP


  • What is Testing?

  • Types of Testings and Methods?

  • What is Unit Testing?

  • What is PyUnit?

  • Test scenarios, Test Cases, Test suites

  • Django – Design
  • Advantages of Django
  • MVC and MVT
  • Installing Django
  • Designing Web Pages
  • HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS
  • Python Flask, Bottle, Pyramid, Falcon

  • Introduction

  • Components and Events

  • Adding Controls

  • Entry Widget, Text Widget, Radio Button, Check Button

  • List Boxes, Menus, ComboBox.

  • Arrays and Matrices
  • Indexing of Array, Broadcasting of Array Math
  • Conditional Probability, Correlation, Standard Deviation, and Covariance
  • Building Graphs and Charts through Python
  • Scatter, Bar, Line, Subplots, 3D, Histogram, the API of subplots, and MatPlotLib.
  • Python Frames
  • Importing the data from CSV, JSON, Excel, NumPy array to dataframe, SQL database.
  • Data operations like Filtering, Viewing, Sorting, Combining, and Joining.
  • SciPy Fundamentals
  • Functions developing on Cluster, NumPy, optimize, signal, linalg, sub-packages, integrate, SciPy with Bayes Theorem.

We have made a tailored curriculum covering the latest industry-ready concepts to serve every individual’s learning desires.

Project  Details

We bring you the best learning experience by delivering all our training sessions practical. Following are the few use cases we shall discuss during the training.

Python Training  Objectives

The main objective of this python training is to enhance your programming skills and help you start your professional career. It makes you an expert in developing web applications, game applications, enterprise applications, and system administration applications. With our content-rich Courseware, instructor-led training, LMS, and real-time experts, you will be able to advance your programming career.

Having a fundamental understanding of programming concepts and OOPs is beneficial but not essential to join this Python training.

This python training is ideal for Software developers, Big Data professionals, Analytics professionals, and ETL developers. Anyone who aspires to have a career in Python can take this Python training.

The salary of a Python developer in the US is around $111K per annum.

The top companies hiring Python professionals are:

  • HCL
  • CGI
  • Optum
  • Capgemini

By the end of this Python training, you can apply for the best jobs in top MNCs. Following job roles are offered to Python professionals:

  • Python Developer
  • Full-Stack Developer
  • Web Developer
  • Data Analyst
  • Data Scientist
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Training  Options

Different individuals. Different upgrade goals. Different modes of learning.

We got solutions for everyone looking for an AWS Architect course. Opt in for your convenient upgrade option, and we will guide you through.

One-on-one Session

Live Online.

30 Hours
Additional tips from the trainer

30 July 2024, 07:00 AM

03 August 2024, 08:00 AM



30 Hours
Weekdays & Working Hours
Accessible through LMS
At your convenience

Python Training Upcoming Batches

30 July 2024 to 30 August 2024
07:00 AM
03 August 2024 to 03 September 2024
08:00 AM
06 August 2024 to 06 September 2024
07:00 AM
10 August 2024 to 10 September 2024
07:30 AM
calendar tekslate

Schedules Doesn't Suit You ?

Our Team can set up a batch at your convinient time.

Corporates  Training

Experience and witness the express transformation of your workforce from the world-class tech upgrade platform.

Customized training options

Tailored curriculum to fit your project needs.

Practical exposure is assured.

We have got everything covered for any IT upgrade for your organization. We are one click away.

Success Stories from Future Digital Leaders

A had good experience with Tekslate, I have attended Python training and the way they teach you and support you till the end of the training is fab.

Alison Benhar

Recently I have attended a demo class for Python Training. The explanation was detailed.


I have completed 18 classes till now, classes are going on very well and the teaching is good


Python Training  FAQ'S

Have questions? We’ve got the answers. Get the details on how you can grow in this course.

Python is an object-oriented, interpreted, and high-level programming language used for task automation, developing websites, data visualization, and data analysis. It is utilized by non-programmers like scientists and accountants.

We can use Python either for Frontend or Backend. Its user-friendly syntax and extensive server-side utilization make Python an essential programming language for back-end development.

Python is extremely productive in comparison to other programming languages like Java, C++, etc. Python is very popular due to its code readability and simple syntax.

Join a Free Python Training  Demo Session

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